I’m Going to See You At the Top!

Many people graduate from various schools and schools of thought, however, the phrase that seldom comes is . . . “I’m Going to See You At the Top”.  This phrase is the heightened existence of my new book coming out exercising the audacious brain of scholars who believe in the value of the human potential.

Here’s where I’m going with this.  The top describes a mountain where one longs to get to the top one day.  Everyone has their top where “high-fives” are in order before you reach the top.  Just the mental capture of the human tongue embracing another man’s wealth is enough for me.  Say it with me, “I’m Going to See You At the Top”!  How does it sound?  Like the beauty of music serenading my ears!


There is power in knowing that you, yourself are the increase of your life.  How do we begin to put all of our hopes and dreams in someone else’s hands?  Stop.  Stop.  Do not any longer look to the outside of yourself to produce what the inside has already produced.  Life is just waiting on you to put your faith and works together.   Now, that’s Power!Power

The Unknown!

Ever been in a place where you didn’t know how things were going to get done and when?  Dictionary.com defines how as:

-In what way or manner

-To what extent; degree, etc.

-In what state or condition

-For what reason; why?

-To what effect; with what meaning . . .

Isn’t it interesting that when placed with a dilemma, you go through all these mental gyrations.  My prescription:  The unknown is the unknown.  Sit down, relax, give your brain a chance to process wisdom and how will naturally come!



If I said I had patience, I would be telling the truth!  For many years, I have always talked to my friends about how I have perfected my love walk.  It’s true.  Music has helped me to develop patience because I knew that for all the great and narrow paths I’ve crossed, patience had it’s perfect work always.

I can hear now when people get huffy because of a comment they didn’t like and I would have to say “Nothing to get uptight about”.  We’re in the blessing.  Being in the blessing keeps you from a non-patience mental breakdown.  Here’s a good acronym for Patience:









Abundant, huh?  I know so!  Patience is a virtue!Patience Photo


Honor means everything.  What does honor mean to you?  I tell you honor is like a rose. The red rose represents honor.  The bible says, honor your mother and father so that your days will be prolonged.  Honor.  Something to cherish!  Something to think about!  Something to ponder!  Who do you honor?  Worth the researching!

Bearing Fruit!

Fruit is good!  It has so many nutrients that makes a body whole.  Bearing fruit means signaling a great time in ones life where nothing except good comes from the heart, mind, thoughts and actions of all for a prosperous life.

Bearing Fruit Annette_Jackson021also represents taking the brilliance of all that you are and seizing the superior out of your nature where the sweetness of your nature comes alive to all even given adversities.  What’s the point – Bear Fruit!

What’s the purpose?  The purpose is where one’s life will be filled with the sowing of great exploits effortlessly.  What’s the point again, “Bear Fruit”! – Love, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Long-suffering and Self-Control.  Bearing fruit is practicing the “Fruits of the Spirit”!

What do you plan to do?  I hope, Bear Fruit!


My brother gave my son the nickname, “Money”!  I like this name very well.  He answers to this name as well.  So, what’s the power in money?  I can answer that question myself.  It answers all things.

So where am I going with this money issue.  We all need it, want it, and look to acquire more.  Noble.  Noble.  Noble.  Now, we all should find a way to make money with our talents, produce philanthropy and serve our fellow man.  What do you think?

A $2.00 Bill Means So Much

imagesAs I reflect today on my father-in laws generosity with a $2.00 bill as the bill of choice, I can rejoice.  He always said “A fool and his money will soon depart”!  My daughter actually has this saying on her screen saver.  I pray that she and my son understand that success in life is building a base of wealth by working, learning the wisdom of economics and working first and playing later.  This statement she showed me after her basketball game and I was truly delighted in the indelible ink on her heart and technological device for her to remember always.

I also gave my mother-in-law  a $2.00 bill along with my son and my daughter as a momento in paying it forward to the greatness within his dollar system.  This is when my daughter told me that her and my son took the dollar and put it in a frame.  Nice!

Life is truly incredible.  Just the other day, he passed away and I feel a sense of accomplishment.  He used to always ask the kids “Where’s my girl”?  His son and I have divorced and he never considered this a means to separate us.  I want him to know today that his girl is great.   I am rejoicing with him and for him with the angels!  The memories of his love, concern, and long conversations, I will never forget.  I can say he was “Dad”.  We always had good times laughing and talking about the latest Republicans because of our Republican nature, music, what’s on television along with life and the pursuit of happiness. He always told me how much of a great job I was doing raising my kids.  I can say that I am truly overjoyed with the fact that our relationship will last in eternity.  Forever, I salute you as a gentle soul, “Dad”!


Happy PhotoPherrell Williams titled a song “Happy” and everyone is going crazy about it!   I am, too!  There is something mysteriously dynamic about being happy as a woman from the inside out.

Time and time again there are a number of milestones in one’s life that proves to excite, expand, encourage, equal and equate to the forward movement of our dreams.  Learn to love yourself and the divine gifts given unto you and there will be no room for lack.  There will only be room for being “Happy”!

The Presidents Speech was great! Let’s talk about access to capital for businesses!

Yes, America is a great country.  Yes, we need manufacturing back in the US.  Yes, we need solar in our infrastructure to save money on utilities.  Yes, we need more families going back to school to increase their wealth.  Yes, we need the technology so that the Youth and the citizenry can maximize a college education free of charge to move forward to a greater level of skill.

I want to help the President.  Here is my recommendations as a way for all legislative entities and the “powers to be” and the people of the sovereign United States of America to advance.  Create an infrastructure of small businesses fostered by current businesses with students in mind as the forward movement to increasing wealth for all and we’re in business as a Nation.