
Giving is vital to the soul!  Yesterday, I gave and went the 1000th mile.  I received about 3 hours of sleep because of assisting a great Woman of God in the breath of what God was telling her to do!

The day brought on so many great exploits!  Sometimes people have to remember that the great exploits to increasing a people’s power internally is not wrapped up in one human being.  It’s rapped up in one action!

Yesterday, reminds us of . . .What today can produce!  Move forward!  Getting people to understand their Yesterday so that they can build like Nehemiah for tomorrow, while at the same time counting the cost of all that needs to be done effortlessly is our increase!  Yesterday!

To Much is Given, Much is Required


Today is a day where I knew how to facilitate the best for everyone.  Juggling became my Art.  Art according to the definition is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in visual form such as a painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Now, we are meant to create “Emotional Power” for Art.  Consider me Art as a visual!  There is a need for a breakthrough in the life of many to stay creative, ever breaking down the barriers of “No Can Do”!

We all have a great part to play in another’s life as we all grow and prosper together.  Much is Required, Given Too Much!  I switched it!  To Much is Given, Much is Required!

I’m taking the task to become a State Representative for the State of Georgia.

Join Me! 20151112_203154~2

Closer to My Dreams!

Dreams do come true!  Patience is a virtue.  Virtue is internal.  Internal brillance is at stake!

Take your stake and mark your place!  Columbus-Matthew Henson, did it!  You can, too!  Be humbly bold.  Hold on!  We’re closer to our dreams.  Only you have to get it!

Closer, Closer, Closer!

This Time!

This time in my life, things have to be done differently.  In this technological age, things are not staying the same.  Things are elevating at a rapid speed.  Wisdom always rules though!

However, just because of this new trend of the times, time is of the essence.  Each day brings about another exploit to be conquered with time.

Taking the time to purposely plot out new next steps is vital and passion of thought fits the description of time well spent.

Time is . . . connecting the dots to the chambers of your heart.


Ever woke up with no possibilities in sight and at the last minute the open door became open because you were on the highway of possibilities, ready?

To be ready at all times is the message.  Moving in expectation always works.  Possibilities, how convenient!  Today, brings new horizons.

Often Times!

There are often times when I get a vision as to what I am required to do each day.  My habit becomes one where push ups and sit ups to include jumping jacks and running stairs is the pulse of getting started for work.  And of course, often times there’s prayer effortlessly.

Today, I focused on Edmond Newton and his endurance to win Project Runway.  It is these “Often Times” that today I extend the olive branch of everyone’s brillance into an implementation of winning.  Win at all things that you do!

Times will then begin to become often where the gold and the victory are laid in ouraspire to greatness lap because of divine appointment.  Today was a divine appointment.  More to come.

Often times, I smile inside and out because I am happy with where I’m being guided.  At the end of the day I ended up at Congressman’s Hank Johnson’s office for Berry juice and peanuts with my writing partner. Happy are we when times like these are often!


I heard a speech sometime ago from a colleague who was a Toastmaster in the Finals of a Speech competition and the title was, “Yes”!

Yes is my new middle name!  So often we have have these dreams of where we should be according to our gifts.  Let not these gifts be buried.  Resurrection time is here.  Plan your work and work your plan.  Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute!  Labor never shorts anyone. Announce and pronounce your destiny!20151025_175529-2-1

To Begin

When I realized I had to begin a new strategy for mankind, I prayed and asked the Lord what he would have me to do!

I slept and pondered and slept and pondered.  I heard, “Be a Model for Youth” through protecting their genius and help them to build a stronger footing through getting the powers to be to spend more time, effort and skill developing the gift in these precious souls.

What this equated to in Day 3 of Writing the Vision and making it plain is to run for public office as a Statesman.Annette_Jackson021  Wow!  Here we go!