The Aural Beauty of A District – District 55, DeKalb and Gwinnett

As I drive down Highway 78, which has 80,000 cars passing by daily, heading to Downtown, there is an aural beauty that we are working to create.  I would love for the citizens in the District to identify all of the beauty in Snellville, Loganville, Grayson, Lilburn, Stone Mountain and Lithonia.

The National Anthem

Every time I hear my daughter sing the National Anthem, it brings tears to my eyes. She’s a great singer, however, more importantly, she is a young singer who values the National Anthem and every where she sings it, people are moved by the A cappella!

To honor our great country is priceless!  No kneeling accepted.  Reverence for all the great men and women who have helped us to secure our beautiful America, “Land of the free” and “Home of the Brave” is our forward march!  Let us continue to be brave and honor our legacy.  We must!  Generations are watching!



Let’s Work Together

There are so many times when we think of how nice it would be to work with many people, however, there is always a time where one wants to do it all!  And, to be honest, it is very difficult for anyone to do everything.  We all need help and the brain power of others to make things work perfect!

Did I say perfect!  Yes!  Perfection does exist.  Planning is the key to unlocking the many great blessings and exploits that can be created when everyone is at the center of attention guiding the inner workings for collaborative projects and outcomes.

Together we can work to make our communities stronger.  Let’s Work!


Republican Nominees are set to make History in DeKalb for Sheriff, DeKalb, Gwinnett and Rockdale for the 4th Congressional District, & DeKalb and Gwinnett for State Senate!

Tis’ the Election Season!  And, we’re set to hit the finish line on November 8, 2016.  Sensationalism has charted the news with the advent of the Presidential Election, early voters are sure on their choice of candidates, and there’s more to come with the DeKalb County elite blocking the Republican candidates in key County Political Forums.

Harold Dennis, is running as a Republican nominee for DeKalb County Sheriff.  Victor Armendariz is connecting with fervor as the 4th Congressional District Republican nominee, and Annette Davis Jackson is the Republican nominee for State Senate exhorting, “Citizens, Pass The Torch”!  They are the new star team of the Republican Party on the “down ticket” positioned as the”Dream Team” to win voters hearts, hands-down!

Their insight for developing DeKalb and Gwinnett is a priceless addition to the social-affective nature of the Republican Party, merging ideas, visions, and the heart of the soul of citizen engagement to choose a new set of leaders to build people.  Now, this is fire!

“People are our potency” and we are going non-stop working to get the people to change their viewpoints of “Crossing the Aisle” in voting for key Republicans on their “Election Day”.  Help us to make history, and we will give the citizens all the glory for choosing a new beginning of “Incumbents winning by 92% all of the time!  the-dream-team



You Can Be Great!

As I sit here intently listening to a great song called “Lord, I believe in you”! I can’t help but weep inside as I am ushered in by faith to become a Statesman by running for Public Office as a calling to make communities live and our Youth, greater!  And our Seniors, healthier.  His voice has made me focus on saving foundations that are soon to be lost!

Notice, there is nothing that we can do on our own.  We all know, we are being guided by heaven to achieve the building up of our faith and works for God’s perfection in the unity of peace.

Today, I challenge all who read this exhortation, to stretch your faith and works for the greater good of mankind. Remember our elders in their uncompromising  obiedience to mature and guide us into all truth!

To end, You Can Be Great when you know:  Great is the person who works with all their might as their talents lead and their living exceeds”.  Great, you can be!



Hope, MLK!

Yes, the bells are ringing for justice and love, Martin Luther King, Jr.

You’ve taught us well and the value of people is highly important!  There is no legislation that can make us as the human race, love our neighbors.  We have to take ownership to be kind and love.

Love, some would say,  doesn’t come easy.  And they are right!  Love comes from God because God is love!

Today, on this Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday, let us manifest peace and action to make our communities shine.  Let us put a shoe shine on all of our images!  God is love!

And for historical purposes, remember Ronald Reagan signed this National Holiday into our American homage in 1983.  Thank you, RR!


My State of the Union Address

  1. Our Country is divided
  2. We should fix it
  3. Not by Democrats blaming the Republicans and Republicans blaming the Democrats
  4. Our children hear our disdain and gossip about everything.  Why do we not know that a house divided cannot stand.
  5. Know we are standing by grace.
  6. Let us speak life and show our kids more of how to read, write, compute and master education and perfect great behavior.
  7. Those who think they have the power over others and then take it away because you cannot get what you want and when you want, Stop!
  8. Practice more of a love walk with all who you come in contact.
  9. Honor our soldiers.
  10. Help always when you can.
  11. Build the gifts of others.
  12. Be patient because forgiveness is real.
  13. Smile more.
  14. Bless the United States of America and its leadership towards a better Union.  We are Sovereign.
  15. Kiss all the babies and bless them with the covering of justice, self -control, skills and promise.
  16. Hug our elders every chance you get!
  17. This is My State of the Union Address
  18. I’m going to see all of us at the Top!




Keep Your Hope!

Ever dreamed you were not all that you were designed to be and someone sits next to you and tells you to believe!

Evaluation is key to unlocking the doors of “happy”, however, be proactive and highly content.  Character and righteous thinking should be our keeping!

Keep your hope!  It’s powerful!



As I am listening to Steve Harvey this morning, he is declaring that he must find some time to bring as many men together to help young men in Chicago and in other cities, and he cites, “Black Men make a Difference”, and I am not trying to say anything about the women . . .

Steve, thank you!  It is deeper than this.  Their is a habit structure that is destroying boys because the bad habits at a young age weren’t addressed and they sometimes have been perpetuated by men.

When a young boy has a purpose in life, skills produced with their hands, love and morals, with supervision, reproof and instruction coupled with sports and the Arts, young men thrive.

When society puts down women to say “Women cannot raise boys” of which you alluded to Steve, you’ve chipped at the value of nurturing that a Mother brings,  a sister brings, an auntie brings and a grandmother brings.

Commitment to enduring time in the lives of young people is the magic combination.  Time.  Time.  Time. Spending time is the commitment for every Youth and Child!